October 19, 2024

Robert Forston

Holiday Magic

Show Me What You Got: The Incredible Regional Flavor Of American Cuisine


Americans love their food. We’re the country that gave birth to pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs, after all. But what about American cuisine? There’s a common misconception that American food is one-dimensional and boring—but nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, there are so many delicious regional specialties in the U.S., it would take at least a week just to try them all. So let’s dig into America’s diverse culinary landscape by delving into seven of its most distinctive regions: New England, Mid-Atlantic states (New York City/Philadelphia), Midwest (Chicago area/St Louis), South (Atlanta/New Orleans), Southwest and West Coast (San Francisco).

Show Me What You Got: The Incredible Regional Flavor Of American Cuisine

New England

New England is known for its seafood, and you can get that in many ways. There’s no shortage of clam chowder, lobster rolls and fish and chips on any menu here. But New Englanders also love their maple syrup — they even have a word for it: “maplehood.” They’re not content to only use this sweet liquid in desserts though; some restaurants will add it to savory dishes as well!

While you should definitely try all these things when visiting New England (or moving there), don’t forget about apples: Connecticut is known as “the Nutmeg State” because its early colonists were given nutmeg trees by Dutch settlers who lived there before them; Massachusetts has the largest apple orchard east of California; Rhode Island produces more cranberries than any other state except Wisconsin; Vermont produces 85{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of all maple syrup made in America each year…and so on and so forth!


The south, one of the most diverse regions in all of America, has a unique culinary history. The area’s food is a mix of African, French and German influences that have been mixed with Native American ingredients.

The most famous Southern dish is fried chicken, but it’s not all about fried chicken! You can also find plenty of pork and ham on your plate when dining in the South.


If you’re looking for a taste of America’s rich culinary heritage, look no further than the Mid-Atlantic region. This area encompasses Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC–and it’s got some of the best food in all of America.

Baltimore is known for its crab cakes (a local specialty) but also has some great seafood dishes like steamed shrimp or oysters on the half shell.

Philadelphia is famous for its cheesesteaks (enough said). But if you’re looking for something different: try an Italian hoagie or roast pork sandwich with broccoli rabe instead!

New York City has arguably some of the greatest pizza in all of North America; however if you want something different from what everyone else is eating at home then we recommend trying out one of these amazing NYC bagels instead!


The Midwest is home to many delicious foods, but you may not know that some of these famed dishes have roots in the region. Michigan, for example, is known for its cherries and Chicago hot dogs; Wisconsin produces cheese in staggering quantities; Minnesota has walleye fish on its menu; and Iowa grows corn so sweet it can’t be beat.

Southwest and West Coast

The Southwest and West Coast are known for their Mexican, Southwestern and Native American influences. This means that you’ll find dishes like chili and enchiladas on menus across this region. Not to be outdone by the rest of America’s regional cuisine, these states have their own distinctive takes on traditional recipes as well as some unique additions of their own.

For example:

  • In Texas you can get fajitas (strips of grilled meat) served with flour tortillas or corn chips; either way they come smothered in cheese and pico de gallo (chopped tomato). You might also see carne asada (grilled steak) or tacos al pastor–marinated pork cooked on a spit then shaved off into small pieces–on your plate! If it’s too hot outside for outdoor grilling but not quite warm enough yet for soup weather, try roasting corn over an open flame until charred on all sides before adding it to salsa verde made from tomatillos, jalapenos and cilantro which is perfect for topping those hearty tacos al pastor!

American food is delicious and diverse.

American food is delicious and diverse. There are many different regional cuisines, each with its own unique flavor profile and ingredients. The best way to experience American cuisine is to travel around the country–you won’t be disappointed!


American cuisine is a rich and diverse culinary tradition. It has roots in European immigrant cuisines, of course, but also draws from Native American cooking traditions and West African food culture as well as influences from around the world. In this article we’ve looked at some of the most iconic dishes from each region of America and highlighted some lesser known regional specialties that might surprise you. But don’t just take our word for it: try them out yourself!