October 19, 2024

Robert Forston

Holiday Magic

Europe’s Most Popular Landmarks


Europe is full of amazing landmarks. From the Colosseum to Buckingham Palace, these are some of the most popular.

Europe’s Most Popular Landmarks

The Eiffel Tower, France

In 1889, Gustave Eiffel constructed this 324-meter-tall tower in Paris as a symbol of progress and modernity for the World’s Fair. Today, it welcomes 7 million visitors annually and continues to be one of France’s most beloved landmarks.

The design of the Eiffel Tower has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its innovative use of metal structures (and steel in particular) which allowed for unprecedented height without sacrificing stability or strength–an engineering feat that changed how we think about building tall structures today!

Sagrada Familia, Spain

The Sagrada Familia is a Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Spain. Designed by Antoni Gaudi, it is still under construction and is expected to be completed in 2026.

Gaudi’s design was inspired by nature, especially the shapes of flowers and insects. He incorporated features such as columns that taper at their tops (like pinecones), doors shaped like fans and windows with triangular frames (like honeycombs). The structure has become an icon for Barcelona; its soaring spires can be seen from various parts of the city center

The Colosseum, Italy

The Colosseum is an ancient Roman amphitheatre located in the city of Rome. It was built in the 1st century AD, by the emperor Vespasian and it’s one of the largest amphitheatres in the world. The structure can hold up to 50 000 spectators at once!

The Colosseum was originally used as a stadium for gladiatorial fights and public spectacles like animal hunts or executions by wild animals (or even humans). It was also used as an arena where political opponents were killed during elections campaigns or games organised by emperors who wanted to show off their power over life and death.

Alhambra Palace, Spain

The Alhambra Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Spain’s most popular landmarks. It’s located in Granada, a city that’s known for its Moorish architecture and history. The palace was built during the Islamic era and stands out for its colorful decorations, intricate tile work and elaborate gardens.

The name “Alhambra” comes from Arabic: “al-qarn al-ahmar,” meaning “red castle.” The palace has been home to kings and queens over the years; it was also used as a fortress during times of war or siege. Today, visitors can see many artifacts from when it was used as an occupied palace during medieval times such as weapons used by soldiers at war against enemies trying to take over their land — including crossbows!

Kremlin, Russia

The Kremlin is a historical museum and fortress complex in the heart of Moscow. The name “Kremlin” is often used as a metonym for the government of the Russian Federation, which exercises its authority over Russia from within its walls.

The walls and towers date from the 14th century, though they have been reconstructed many times since then; they were ostensibly built by Ivan III (died 1505). This was where he lived with his family until his death; their bodies were buried there after their deaths as well.

Brandenburg Gate, Germany

The Brandenburg Gate is one of the most famous landmarks in Berlin, Germany. It was built in 1791 by Frederick William II of Prussia and served as a city gate until 1918. The gate was then used as an entrance to Adolf Hitler’s military headquarters during World War II before being reconstructed into its current form after the war ended.

Today, this national monument stands at the heart of Berlin’s government quarter and remains one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations with over 20 million visitors each year!

Buckingham Palace, UK

Buckingham Palace is the London residence of the British monarch. It is one of the most recognisable buildings in the world and has been a focus for national identity since its construction in 1703. The palace’s 775 rooms are used for royal residences, state occasions, and official entertaining. It is often at the centre of state events held in London, such as investitures or garden parties.

The building which we see today was designed by John Nash between 1823-1825; however it has been extended several times over its history with only minor alterations made during this period until 1936 when King George VI commissioned Sir Albert Richardson to redesign parts of Buckingham Palace including St James’ Court which was demolished during World War II leaving only parts still standing today (such as Queen Victoria’s apartments).

Opera House La Fenice, Italy

The La Fenice opera house is one of the most famous landmarks in Venice, Italy. It was built in 1792 and burned down shortly after opening. The building was rebuilt using the same design and reopened in 1836, but it burned down again in 1996. The current building was built by the same architect who designed both earlier versions of this iconic theater–and this time it’s fireproof!

The opera house hosts performances year-round; however, if you want to see some truly spectacular shows with an authentic Venetian experience then check out their summer festival season when they host multiple operas every week between July and September (with tickets starting as low as $30). If you’re planning on visiting La Fenice during these months then make sure not only do you buy tickets early but also book accommodation well ahead of time because demand always exceeds supply during this period due to high tourist numbers combined with limited availability within close proximity from each other due to narrow streets throughout much of Venice itself – especially when compared against other European cities such as London where there are plenty more options available closer together without needing much walking distance at all!

Santorini Island, Greece

Santorini is a volcanic Greek island in the southern Aegean Sea. A popular tourist destination, Santorini was named after Saint Irene, who according to legend brought Christianity to the island.

Santorini has been an active volcano for about 20,000 years and erupted during the Neolithic period (5th millennium BC), with the massive explosion being so large it destroyed all life on Earth! But luckily for us humans, there were no humans around at that time because we hadn’t evolved yet…

The name “Santorini” comes from St Irene’s church which overlooks this beautiful island from its highest peak – Mount Profitis Ilias (meaning Prophet Elijah).

From the Eiffel Tower to Buckingham Palace, these are Europe’s most popular landmarks.

  • Eiffel Tower, France
  • Sagrada Familia, Spain
  • Colosseum, Italy
  • Alhambra Palace, Spain
  • Kremlin, Russia
  • Brandenburg Gate (Berlin), Germany

Buckingham Palace (London), UK


These are the most popular landmarks in Europe. The Eiffel Tower is certainly the most iconic, but the Colosseum and Brandenburg Gate also have their own special place in history. If you want to visit one of these sites, be sure to plan ahead so that you can see them all before they close down!